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The Drooby Book by Drew McAdam


“…I love it! Straight forward effects with effective method… Bottom line is I am very impressed …” Richard Osterlind

“This book is brilliant” Colin Cloud

“It's a great book... lots of variety... The material is practical real world stuff. This is the type of material I really enjoy reading, and more importantly doing.” Marc Paul

“ ... some fabulous ideas... Interesting methods and some wonderful presentations.... very good. Very simple to use and very effective.” Lior Manor

“Picking up this manuscript at bed time was a mistake! Reason: I didn't get any sleep. Its subtle mix of jaw dropping mentalism, irreverent humour and no bulls**t keeps even the heaviest eyelids open.” Mark Townsend

“This is an excellent book - absolutely superb. Drew you are a genius!” David Lees

“There are a lot of new and fresh thoughts (and some old!) put together into effects and presentations that quite obviously have great audience appeal and involvement. I strongly recommend it!” Sven Rygh

“This is good, solid, practical stuff developed out there in the real world, saving you all the time and effort of having to do that yourself.” Paul Zenon

When a busy professional like Drew McAdam tips routines from their repertoire, I for one sit up sit up and listen. On just my first read through I spotted at least 2 routines that I'm dying to try out in the ‘real world’. Timothy Hyde




What's Inside this reawakened beast of a book?


You will find the Food for Thought essays Getting Hot and Turning up the Heat that cover some thoughts and actual experiences with Hot Reading. Done correctly, the effect on the audience is one that they will remember for the rest of their lives.


Another Food for Thought essay introduces the cheapest and simplest peek device on the face of the planet! And there is a mention of playing cards, where mentalism and magic meet. A further Food for Thought section looks at Restricted Forces that have a hundred uses. And as if all that were not enough, the final Food for Thought essay takes a long, lingering look at Pens and Post-its hokum for pseudo-psychometery, lie detection, and a host of other uses – maybe even starting a church!

But it's not just about the reader doing the thinking. Effects include Star Turn in which the Mind Master influences the decisions of the entire audience. The audience select the name of a film star in the fairest way possible – just by indicating their choice in a mass vote. Yet the Mind Master demonstrates that he absolutely knew ahead of the event which name would be selected before the experiment even started. Prediction or influence? And with a bit of luck this effect has a kicker like no other!

Or how about Psychokinetic Match: Telekinesis at a distance - when the miracle happens you are
miles away!


And Coin Cross offers incontrovertible proof that the Mind Master can influence minds and control the choices, decisions and thought patterns of others. This is a simple challenge with four coins – the Mind Maestro proves that he is two steps ahead of the participant. What’s more, it leads beautifully on to Coin to the Head: in which all you need is three coins, and three audience members. The participants concentrate on the hand in which they are hiding a coin. A lightning-fast reveal demonstrates that the Mind Maestro could pick up their thoughts even though his back was turned.

Or how about Name Strip in which a lady locates the name of her first love, without being aware how she did it. Tears aplenty! Out of sight, the participant writes down several names, only one of which is that of her first love. She scrunches up each name and they are mixed; yet the name is
selected and the Mind Master demonstrates that he knew what the name was! A delightful mix of prediction, mind reading and influence!  ("This is something I could really use. It is simply brilliant. So practical and low tech. I love it!" Marc Paul).

Random newspapers. Random pages. A TOTALLY free choice. And yet the Mind Maestro knew exactly what was going to happen ahead of the event with the effect entitled Paper Animals: PLUS you get to scare the beejezus out of the whole audience should you wish to! This effect offers a host of possibilities and uses for corporate work - predicting products or company personnel. Dead easy. No slick sleights. Yet this is the perfect jaw-dropping closer.
Teacher Thought offers straightforward, no hokum thought-reading. Get this: the participant writes the name of several of her old teachers on a board. She says nothing; just concentrates on the one who most influenced her life for the better. The Mind Master reveals it. Come on, how great is THAT? ("this is soooo good!" Marc Paul)

But if you think that is cool - and it is - then what about ESP Vision - probably the most impossible ESP demonstration ever. A participant selects an ESP symbol and concentrates. The Mind Master sits in the midst of the audience… and calmly draws the symbol the participant is thinking of. 


And then there is Pocket Powers in which a participant selects three objects from a hundred and placesthem in separate pockets. Yet the participant has been guarding the results of what-object-would-end-up-where the whole time! You don't need a secret assistant for this effect. Neither do you need any electronic equipment.

So there you go; loads of cracking effects interspersed with Food for Thought essays.


This fifty page pdf is full of jaw dropping mentalism that is straightforward and perfectly suited to stage, parlour or walkaround.


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